How Rituals Permit the Practice of Worship in Hinduism

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Ritual is a religious or solemn ceremony consisting of a series of actions performed according to a prescribed order. Hinduism major religious and cultural tradition of the Indian subcontinent, developed from Vedic religion.. There are two types of worship such as: temple worship and domestic worship. Therefore, within these types of worshipping there are rituals that are performed. Some of these rituals include prasad, darshan, and puja. Thus, A ritual function is a tradition that is used to practice of worshipping in Hinduism.

First, a long time ago temples have become a figure and old tradition in Hindu worshipping. However, when these temple worships began is undetermined. Some forms of Hindus consider the temple as a symbol of a “higher reality.” For example, Sri Vaishnava community believes that the consecrated image of Vishnu in the temple is making a presence and he wants to be attainable. On the other hand, some of members reject the concept of worshipping images. According to the Oxtoby University Press, “…. members of the recent Brahmo Samaj and the Vira Shaiva movements-reject images altogether. (Oxtoby p.296) When the devotees enter the temple for their visit the essential part is to walk inside one of the enclosures. The formal act of worship can be fulfilled by archana and can also bow down to the deity. Archana is where priest praises the deity by reciting his or her names. (Oxtoby p.297) In addition, every so often the devotees can go to the kitchen to buy or get free for prasad. In the book, “A Concise Introduction to World Religions,” prasad is defined as: “a gift from the deity, especially food that has been presented to the god’s temple image, blessed, and returned to the devotee. “ (Oxtoby p.320) Furthermo...

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...” is the next ceremony that is after birth. Furthermore, the exact moment of birth is recorded so the horoscope can be established for the child. Moreover, the jatakarma rites also include the father seeking praying for the intellectual well-being and physical strength of the child.

Overall, ritual functions enable the practice of worship in Hinduism during the life-cycle of Hindus. The rituals of prasad, darshan, and puja all contribute towards the practice of Hinduism. Prasad is the food that is being presented to the temple image of worshipping. Also, darshan is being seen within the temple by the experience of observing faith. Puja is a ritual that is part of the domestic worship in Hinduism that are mainly specified for women. In the end, during the cycle of life, many rituals are performed that allow the practice of worshipping in the religion of Hinduism.

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