How Race and Racial Inequality Have Shaped American History from Its Beginnings

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Race and racial inequality have powerfully shaped American history from its beginnings. When the question of racial inequality comes two factors is consider the most the cultural forces and the structural forces. The structural forces are classified as indirect because they are mediated by racial groups’ position in the system of social satisfaction by business and political decisions that have greater effects, as formers are more vulnerable for the position in the social satisfaction system. In the last half-century there have been increase jobless and decline real wages among the African American. Along with all other Americans the fate of African Americans is inextricably connected and functioning as the same border, globally influence modernization. The combining emergence of technologies and international competition has washed away the mass production system and destroyed related jobs in manufacturing in United States. Though the implemented technology is creating job opportunity associated with technology and human capital, which in turn reduces the physical efforts and natural resources. This is in general benefiting the highly educated skilled worker and shredding off the wages for unskilled worker. In accordance with the change in technology and advancement in information technology like computer and Internet even the educated worker are struggling and low-skilled worker with less education is falling way beyond. Though in the global economy skilled educated men and women are in high demand, there is significantly sharp difference in men then the women. The shift in demand by the labor-worker is especially devastating. African American was always in the last on list or last to be hired and first to let go even before the economic restructuring. Implementation of computer system is one of the main structural forces in the demand of skilled workers. Unemployment is also another factor, as unemployment gives the recruiter chance to put more restrictions on the hiring conditions. Global expansion of business had made goods available at a cheaper rate and cause the unskilled labor wages to go down because of the lower prices of the goods foreign country produces.
According to Lawrence Bobo and his colleagues African Americans are responsible for their own economic predicament and in need of special governing support “Laissez faire racism” The idea that federal government has restriction in improving the living standard of African Americans, as they have always been humiliated and discriminated. This is also due to the high crime rates of young black men from the ghetto neighborhood.

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