How My Views Changed throughout My Sociology Class

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At the beginning of the semester my initial thoughts about sociology, was that it was all about the way you talk to people. There’s a different way to talk to males and females, people born in the United States versus somewhere else, among other things that distinguish people and how they prefer to communicate. I thought we would be talking about how to communicate better, and level out those things that distinguish us from others to make for better communication. I was curious to discuss more about my view of how, being of a different social background affects how someone communicates with others. I’m still not content with how I look at this topic, I don’t know if it’s logical to think the way that I do or not. If there’s research to back up my ideas or if I need to slightly change my mind on this topic. I’m happy with what I learned in this class. I learned through the video that rich people actually are snobs like the stereotypes have suggested. What I actually learned is that, we can’t always conform to the social norms. We can’t be afraid to look past them in some situations because times are changing, people are becoming more outgoing with strangers, so what if God was choosing us to break or even change certain social norms for the sake of His kingdom? I learned just how much I’m going to have to adapt to my surroundings about how to communicate with others. Also, I learned more of who I was personally, and how I can use who I am to learn from and communicate with others. A lot of what I learned earlier on was from my parents, so through this I learned the older generation’s way of thinking instead of what the current generation is being taught to think today. The one topic that really made me think personally is, the di... ... middle of paper ... think, but to think with sober judgment, each according to the measure of faith that God has assigned.” When I read this, I took it as, in a way God gives us different ideas on judgment according to what we are going to need. For example, when you’re walking down to Target at 8pm, it’s dark and you’re alone. You’re going to look at every single person in the city with the view that, “Ok, I’m going to stay away from everybody just to be safe.” This is a Godly judgment, because you’re not looking at a certain people group as “the criminals”, but instead everybody could be out that night trying to attack someone. This is a Godly judgment compared to being prejudice against all people of a different races at all times. The difference is prejudice based off of fact and safety versus being prejudice based off of no fact, nothing to back it up, and simply self-led truth.

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