Reflection On Group Presentation

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“Reflection is the repetition of periodically stepping back to ponder the meaning to self, and to others in one’s immediate environment about what has recently transpired” (Raelin, J 2001). The following reflective essay will deliberate how my attitude and personality influenced the communication styles I used while dealing with my group. This will be justified through theories, academic literatures and personal surveys conducted throughout this course. My involvement throughout this group assignment was both consistent and constantly active. The reflection will be divided into three parts. Part one of the reflections will explore the dynamics and group processes which followed up to our group presentation alongside with positive and negative experiences which occurred during this process. Part two will describe and outline role and involvement to the group presentation. Finally part three will reflect my overall contribution to the presentation and deliver recommendations on how I could have improved the overall presentation which will be backed up by literature. PART 1: The first process was to form our group within our classes. Our tutor invited us to walk around and communicate with people who we have never met and introduce ourselves before making the selection for our group presentations. Kuisak & zakarian (1999) defines a team as a unique set of two or more persons who interact, dynamically, independently, and adaptively towards a common goal/objective/mission, who have each been assigned specific roles or functions to perform and have limited life-span of membership. The next step was to pick one of the six subjects which we were going to focus on throughout our presentation, and as a group we chose the first presentatio... ... middle of paper ... and three gave a lot of ideas in regards to the presentation I believe I put in a substantial amount of effort due to being motivated to finish my degree earlier than planned. My contribution to the group could be improved in the future by understanding my trait of agreeableness better and by understanding our chosen topic dealing with difficult people to a better degree. Bell (2007) discusses that communication face to face offers a more constructive flow throughout the group rather than interacting through technology. The majority of our communication was through emails or Facebook so in the future I would improve this by implementing more group meetings where we can meet face to face in order for a more constructive flow of information. All these factors would minimise the risk of communication amongst the group, resulting in a better quality presentation.

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