The Importance Of Currency And International Commerce

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What do we know about Currency and International Commerce? We all know it takes money to by commodities and services, but do we really comprehend why we use a specific currency. Lets’ look at what causes world powers to trade in one specific currency, what it means for the world economy, why the standard currencies change and are there any changes coming. But before we get into the aforementioned we must first define currency and International Commerce. Currency or money as we know it is what we make as a country to have something in hand to purchase commodities and services. “Money, in some form, has been part of human history for at least the last 3,000 years.” (Beattie, 2015) In the days of old we used the barter system, cattle, …show more content…

“The choice of the invoicing currency is not neutral in respect of the trader’s exposure to exchange rate risk.”(Auboin, 2012) What this means is “bargaining power will have an impact on the currency chosen.”( Golberg and Tille, 2009) It means having to exchange your currency for the currency of the country you are doing business with, or even have to exchange currency multiple times because you are dealing through one country to another. It can also mean you are paying more or less money for the commodity or debt payment than was agreed upon. According to research “a number of countries have long acted to hold down the value of their currencies.” (Weisman, 2015) This is a good reason for world powers to choose a specific currency for use. However, this is not always the case; the main reason behind this is power. “It allows citizens and businesses to choose opposing currencies if they do not agree with the direction of their government’s monetary policy. If there is a one world currency, there is no more room for debate, choice, or alternatives. It empowers government and removes power from people. Of a certainty in this world, money is power. If the richest and most powerful people on earth share a common goal for their money, where will that ultimate power lead the nations of this world?” (Jabs, 2015) Now that we know a little bit as to why the world powers want one currency, let’s see what it means for the world

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