My Temperament And Achievement

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After twenty-one years of life, I have never thought to go back over my past and psychologically analyze it. There is so much to think about, so much has happened. I guess it is important to understand how events that have happened to us when we were developing have affected how we live our lives today. The development of our perception, cognition, attachment, temperament, achievement, and so on, all come together to make up and explain who we are today. My temperament and achievement are what have interested me so I am going to go back and analyze why I am how I am. Temperament is the individual differences in behavioral functioning in children and is typically stable throughout life. A child’s temperament is equivalent to personality in adults. It usually emerges early in life, but if it does not, then it is a learned behavior. Temperament is also biological, so children have a genetic predisposition to act in a certain way. To analyze my temperament, we have to understand the four different types of temperament that a child can be classified into. The first temperament is called “easy”. In this category, a child has positive mood, regular/rhythmic body functions, adaptable, reactions to situations are mild/moderate, and they have a low threshold to stimulation. The second is called “slow-to-warm-up”. In this …show more content…

This decline can be explained with the changes in the environment at school and with the changes that children go through. One of the changes that children will go through is a change in the conception of ability and effort. Before the age of seven, children believe that the ability one has is equal to the effort that they put into the task. From seven to nine years of age, elementary school age, they think that a child’s performance on a task shows their ability. When they get older, they believe that higher ability in a task is related to lower effort put into the task

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