Homeland Security: Risk Management Pertaining To Homeland Security

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Risk Management pertaining to Homeland Security
The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) manages the risk against America’s homeland. The DHS defends the Nation, its resources and its citizens against threats by using national risk management which decreases strategic risk against the homeland (U.S. DHS, 2014). Risk management is needed to confront daily national security threats and to keep America safe.
Risk Management’s role in Homeland Security
Risk management plays many roles in the operations pertaining to the homeland security enterprise. In order to understand pending threats DHS must share any information they have pertaining to the emerging threats to help in the development of risk management strategies (DHS, 2010). Risk management also plays a role in preventing the unlawful procurement of chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear capabilities by identifying probable actors and anticipating any emerging threats before they happen so risk management strategies can
In order to do that they need a risk management program that will defend against threats against national interests (Department of Homeland Security, 2011). These risks against the homeland are external and internal; institutional; operational; and strategic and need to be managed by the Nation’s leadership to “build security, safety, and resilience across domains by connecting efforts to prevent terrorism and enhance security, secure and manage our borders, enforce and administer our immigration laws, safeguard and secure cyber space, ensure resilience to disasters, and provide essential support in assuring national and economic security” (U.S. DHS, 2011, p9). The DHS utilizes risk management programs and processes as well as a risk management formula to control risk and improve the decision making when it comes to reaching security goals (U.S. DHS,

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