Compare And Contrast Pink Brain Vs Blue Brain

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Pink brain vs. blue brain. You must wear a dress! You must walk with your head high and your chin up. You must not speak until you are spoken to and your attire must always look new. These are words that have been said to me most of my life and fit right under the definition of the gender roles our society has created. Everyone 's brain is pretty much the same. Culture educates us to act and be different. There are a lot of cultural studies done on this, as it 's unethical to test on babies. Like how gender roles impressed early in life change the way people think and act as adults. Gender roles are the roles that society thinks women and men should play or the stereotyped idea about how a person of the gender should or do act. For the men, …show more content…

Males go through the expectation of hyper-masculinity (a psychological term for the exaggeration of male stereotypical behavior, such as an emphasis on physical strength, aggression, and sexuality. This term can be pejorative, though it is also used when examining the behavior (as adaptive or maladaptive) dispassionately.) This means that a man or male must be strong and never be week or cry. Hyper-masculinity would also include being fearless, arrogant, and much even violent. This can be a way for some males to show their dominance, A man shall never, under any circumstances, be caught folding towels or folding laundry. I believe men are made to think that they must mask their emotions. For example, if a boy/man has a natural love for art, theater, or singing they are immediately categorized or “boxed” and put in a space where children are called “gay” and “fag.” In my life I have heard males being told things such …show more content…

Dangling earrings with jewels look beautiful with an evening dress), Necklaces (pearl necklace is a classic or something very simple with one jewel or bead around the string of the necklace.), Brooches (little pins that are used on blouses, knitwear, jackets and coats for an individual look.), Scarves (simple way to smarten up an outfit and add a splash of color.), and Handbag( simple is better). You are told to act like a lady. Right? Well, in today 's modern world, many women feel the need to act like men, particularly in the world of business. There is nothing wrong with being a strong woman, you just don 't have to act like a strong

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