Gender Roles In The 1950s Essay

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Research shows how gender roles in America have evolved and have changed over the last centuries, although there could be many reasons for this change I will examine the most likely causes for the change. According to Human Sexuality in a World of Diversity gender role is a “learned role by observing behaviors of their parents, peers and media” (pg 25). The following are the topics studied: Increased technology and accessibility to internet, violence and explicit content in video games, movies and television shows.
During the begging of World War II men started to marry and have children right away because of the possibility if they didn’t return from the war they would leave a legacy. Therefore, the woman’s roles started to change and some …show more content…

Gender roles in the 1950’s were that the men worked hard, brought home the money, and had all the power in the home. Women were seen as the homemakers who can’t make their own decisions and are portrayed as week. According to an article called Gender Roles in 1950’s America, “men were expected to be strong, masculine, and good decision makers, which served as a natural counter-balance for the feminine and maternal role of …show more content…

However, men are still being paid more than women in the same job, according to the U.S. Census Bureau the gap of male’s vs females in the workforce is much smaller where in 1970 there were approximately 30% of females compared to 60% of males. In 2010 there are now 52% male and 47% females. Also, some movies that have changed over the years are some fairytales like Sleeping Beauty, where the prince must save her and she relays on him, but in the newer move Frozen the sisters save each other and the Queen doesn’t need a King which shows how women can be independent. (
Gender roles in parenting have also changed in recent years; for example, there are blended families, households where there are two mothers or fathers and also single parents. Furthermore there is a increased variety of television shows that no longer have the family dynamic like in the 50’s; for example, meet the foster has gay mothers who cares for adopted children, foster care and children from a previous marriage , which has changed the view of traditional mother father household. The Brady Bunch is a good example of a blended family where both

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