How Does Music Affect Bacteria Growth?

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My experiment is going to be how music affects bacteria growth. However because bacteria is “deaf” and actually cannot hear music it can only hear the vibrations emitted from the music. I am going to test how different genera vibrations from rock, classical, pop, and techno music affect the growth.
However, before we see why music affects bacteria you would need to know how bacteria grows normally. For bacteria to grow you need four components: food, temperature, moisture, ph. level, oxygen and time. For example are bacteria in food, particularly in raw food. Those bacteria are called pathogens they are commonly found in meats and fish. Most people do not end up eating them because if the food is cooked properly then the bacteria are killed. Bacteria also need water to be present for the growth to occur. Another factor would be temperature, all bacteria have a maximum, a preferred and a minimum range they can withstand. Bacteria that need a cooler temperature are called psychrophiles; they do well in temperatures of -5C to 15C. Mesophiles are bacteria that would grow best in moderate to average temperatures such as 25C to 45C. Finally would be bacteria that have optimum growth in hot temperatures called thermophiles. Their temperature range is from 45C to 70C. As well as hyperthermophiles, these bacteria can grow in temperatures of 70C to 110C. Next would be oxygen, and much like temperatures there are a wide variety of bacteria that can grow with or without oxygen. There are two main categories for these bacteria: obligate aerobes and obligate anaerobes. Obligate aerobes are bacteria that can grow only in the presences of oxygen through a process called aerobic respiration. Aerobic respiration to put simply is a two stage proc...

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...he bacteria would be cleansed of the parasite. Because high intensity ultrasound waves are known as “cleaners” in lavatories.
At the end my research has shown the premises for those conducting an experiment on how music affects bacteria growth that there are multiple factors to be considered. From the requirements of a normal bacteria growth to how the sound vibrations might cause effect from its intensity and loudness.


Baker, Jordan . "Music versus Bacteria."<>.
Vergara, William C.. "Sound and Ultrasonic."<>.

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