How Does Emotion Affect Emotion

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Emotion is a natural action or reaction of a person in certain circumstance of life. The subject of emotion is quite interesting and when thinking about emotion a person is having a reaction of emotion towards it. There are different types of emotion like, anger, happiness, frustration and depression. A lot of times people have an emotion and act upon that emotion depending on the circumstances. This is all cognitive controlled and differs from person to person. An emotion can consist of an action such as showing affection for someone or something. A person can experience emotional feelings not just an expression towards people or objects. Do emotions effect people? Yes, emotions greatly effect people in everyday life. In the work …show more content…

So politics is what is now fueling emotion around the globe. They say that instead of the social aspect we are politically emotional. This result was concluded by researchers not just in the US but who worked in Egypt, Fiji and many more places around the world. So current studies are saying that emotion is caused by other things besides social activities. Now I am going narrow it down to only one emotion and how it works. What happens at certain points in the brain and what chemicals react when a person gets depressed. According to ( Depression is cause by a multitude of issues not just a certain chemical imbalance in the brain. Depression is a much more serious medical condition. They say it has to do with the more than just one low level of chemicals in the brain but a multitude of them. Thousands of chemical working inside and outside the cells that are all connected. So two different people with the same symptoms can react completely different to medication that helps the unbalance. The reason ( says this is because, they have done research on the matter and by using different scans of the brain during certain life situations. These scans such as the (PET) or (SPECT) show the fluctuation in the neurotransmitters inside the brain. That is how they can tell what the brain is …show more content…

In the early years it was just thought of sadness and not an actual medical problem. Over the years, researchers have grasped a greater aspect of the medical condition, depression. This should be plenty of evidence that depression is serious, and that there is so much unknown to still be found. By researching more on depression, it can further the field of psychology in multiple ways. One, depression is heavily weighted with brain related research. Just about any research on depression will involve the brain or parts of it. Psychology is the study of the brain and what it does, when it does it, in great detail. By learning more about the brain for depression, will also further the research on the brain which in turn will make the field of Psychology more broad. Two, depression itself is a medical problem, that to find out how to if a person has it, they have to go to see a Psychologist. Thus when finding out more of what people do when depressed can make the diagnosing patients easier because the Psychologist knows what to look for. If research continues this could make patients that seem to be okay but, really they do have signs of depression and those signs are the new signs that were just recently discovered with in-depth

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