How Communalism, An Authoritarian Government And Corvee Response To Ancient China Case Study

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Describe how communalism, an authoritarian government, and corvee responded to China’s physical setting (including its hydraulic demands). past tense or current Communalism, authoritarian government, and corvee; what do all of these things have in common? In the past China’s physical features required all of these concepts to work together for society to function properly. China has always been known for its vast amount of land, but a unique fact about China is only about one-third of the land is usable. Since China has always had a lack of land to live on around sex-sevenths of its population has been crammed into the usable land they do have. The people of China have a strong since of communalism, this is when people feel a responsibility …show more content…

Yin is the female principle and Yang the male principle. One would assume this means females and males were considered equals in ancient China, this is very incorrect. Men and women were believed to fit into a cosmic order, which is a natural or universal order. Confucianism was the mainstream way of thinking in ancient China and guided the views of how men were superior to women. One of the five hierarchies of relationships in Confucian thinking was husband to wife. This idea meant the wife had to stay loyal to the husband throughout their marriage and continue to be loyal even when she was widowed. Men were allowed to sleep around outside of their marriage and that was strictly prohibited for women. Once a women’s husband died you would assume she would inherit the land and then remarry but that was not the case. If your husband were to die your son would get the land and if he were not of age the land would go to the closest male relative; maybe a brother, father, or even an uncle. Widowed women were also expected not to remarry or have relations with other men, they were to stay loyal to their dead husbands. The Confucian way of thinking says that women act with jealousy and emotion because they are incapable of the intellectual capacities to behave morally. Due to this idea that women have low …show more content…

The leaders of the Sung dynasty created the Civil Service Exam to staff state bureaucracy. There were three levels of exams that could be taken and each test was harder than the one before it. Depending the exam or exams you passed determined your eligibility for different government positions. Since the exams were such high stakes many measures were taken to ensure the integrity of the system. To prevent cheating, test takers were searched and made to changing into scholar robes with the big sleeves before entering exam rooms. The exams were to be taken in small rooms with cots. The test takers were brought food by people who could not read or write so they were not able to give answers. Test takers were assigned numbers to use instead of their names and hand written exams were recopied all to prevent nepotism. Nepotism is favoritism or bias, this was a concern of the makers of the Civil Service Exams because they did not want any one person to have an advantage because of who they were. The civil service exams were very hard tests that only five percent of the participants past. Due to the difficulty of the tests the men that took them had to be very well educated and capable of reading and writing, which is rare in China. Taking the exams and becoming classically educated became a certification to be

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