Augustus's Influences Of Augustus In The Res Gestae Augustus

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Jarett Culberson Augustus influenced the way the Roman people thought of him and because of that influence he set on the people of Rome he was able to prevail as a leader. Throughout the Res Gestae Augustus portrays himself as a humble leader that was given the opportunity to rule Rome by the people and not like many other rulers before him that fought against other powerful people to take the position of the head of Rome, when in fact Augustus did exactly what others had done before. He had taken the position by force but it is what he did differently once he had it, that he was able to last. He made it seem that he did not take it nor did he want it, but he was given the position by the people of Rome for which he accepted. The first deed …show more content…

With fear or power people are likely to retaliate against you, where as if they love you then they have no reason to retaliate, and will do as you say out of respect towards you. Augustus picks precise achievements and contributions he made towards Rome to glorify his image in the eyes of the people of Rome. The Res Gestae is a carefully constructed set of achievements and contribution made to manipulate the people’s views on Augustus. Augustus includes deeds that show that he has contributed to the rebuilding of Rome and is trying to better Rome for everyone. He made himself seem chosen by the people to lead them instead of taking the role by force. He made the illusion that he was given the role instead of him forcing it upon himself like many had done before. Everything that Augustus did was angled in a way to gain the favor of the Roman people and in return they did as he wanted without him having to power his way through. He was a mastermind in the art of manipulating their views on him using the Res Gastae so that they would follow him in what he wanted to do. This is why Augustus was never assassinated and his rule and ways were able to last until Rome’s

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