The Importance Of Professional Accounting Colloquium

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The topics of Communication and Professional Credentials discussed in this unit of ACCT 690 – Professional Accounting Colloquium has given me new insights on the opportunities and challenges faced by accounting professionals. Technology has had a great impact on how people communicate, on both a macro and micro level. Day-to-day exchanges are often typed out instead of talked out. Digital communications, such as emails, texts, or other Short Message Services (SMS), are a series of compartmentalized actions where we lose out on the opportunity of building stronger relationships and miss out on the chance to develop understanding and mastery of social skills. In doing so, we lose the benefits learnt from the impromptu side of problem-solving with coworkers and learning from instant face-to-face communications of others. In addition, we lose the opportunity to build and strengthen professional relationships in the workplace. It seems that this is one of the reasons younger generations are having a difficult time understanding both, how to communicate appropriately and errors of judgement in what they communicate (Boyle, Mahoney, …show more content…

I currently serve in the position of Accounting & Administration Manager at the District of Columbia College Access Program’s (DC-CAP). DC-CAP opens doors for students to the make the dream of college a reality and also creates an environment to promote successful student retention after the admissions process is complete. I truly identify with the organization’s all-inclusive approach toward student enrollment and its focus on breaking down social and economic barriers that negatively impact & influence students, parents, and communities toward achieving higher education. I have seen firsthand how efficient and effective communication and interpersonal skills are assets for all levels of

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