The Horrific Illustrations of Capitalism in The Jungle, by Upton Sinclair

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The Jungle, by Upton Sinclair, shows the horrific illustrations of capitalism by the circumstances of Ona giving birth, the outcomes of medicine being diluted, and the condition of embalmed beef. When Jurgis and Ona arrive in Packingtown, Chicago Jurgis is big and strong and gets pick everyday for a job, but by the end of two years Jurgis is small and does not get picked for hardly any jobs. All immigrants wait outside the meat factory companies to take the jobs of people who do not show up or come late. Because there is no building code, constructors cheat the citizens of Packingtown by having the sewer go straight under the house, the milk was also blue consisting of 1/3 of blue farmathad preserves, 1/3 milk, and 1/3 water. Throughout the novel Jurgis and Ona are immigrants from Lithuania who have been misused, cheated, and unhealthily fed.
Ona is forced to give birth in the attic of her own house because they could not afford to go to a real hospital. It was thought that women who are dutch are exceptional midwifes, and one of Ona’s neighbors was a Dutch woman named Madame Hau...

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