Honor Killing

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Human rights are thought to be the basic rights that each human holds regardless of sex, gender, race, ethnicity, religion or other discriminating factors (Human Rights, retrieved from www.amnestyusa.org). War crimes, segregation, genocide, and crimes against humanity are among the most serious violations of human rights. Honor is seen as a proud name, public esteem, and a showing of respect. Dishonor results in honor killings in many regions around the world, violating human rights. According to the UN Population Fund (UNFPA), 5000 women across the world were killed in the name of honor in the year 2000, although the actual number may be higher because of unregistered or falsely reported cases (As cited in Solberg, 2009). Honor Killings are violent murders of women and young girls, by male family members, that have disgraced the family name (Ilkkaracan, 1999). These acts appear to be a part of religious practices, therefore government officials often turn their heads and rarely get involved. With honor killings becoming more prevalent in different regions throughout the world, including the stereotyped Middle Eastern countries such as Jordan, Israel, Pakistan, Iran, and Iraq; but also European countries like UK, Sweden, Turkey, Italy (Solberg 2009), Germany and France; and in African countries such as Uganda, Morocco, and Egypt (Solberg, 2009). Honor killings are too being recorded in high numbers in Asian and South Asian countries such as Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Thailand, Malaysia, Burma, China, Indonesia, Korea, Philippines, Nepal, India, and Japan (Niaz, 2003). Because women are fleeing this fate, cases are now being seen in the United States and Canada (Solberg, 2009). Religion is thought to be the basis for these killings; ... ... middle of paper ... .... (2002) Thoughts on the Struggle Against “Honor Killing”. The International Journal of Kurdish Studies, 16(1/2), 83-97. Retrieved from Ethnic News Watch. Niaz, U. (2003). Violence against women in South Asian countries. The Psychiatric Clinic and Stress Research Centre, 6, 174-184. doi: 10.1007/s—737-003-01719. Moussa, H. (2004). Sites of Violence: Gender and Conflict Zones. Canadian Woman Studies, 24 (1), 205-206. Retrieved from GenderWatch. Sibbald, B. (2003). For Iraqi women, more war means more uncertainty. Canadian Medical Association, Journal, 168 (10), 1311. Retrieved from ProQuest Health & Medical Complete. Solberg, K. (2009). Killed in the name of honour. The Lancet, 373, 1933-1934. Retreived from ProQuest Health & Medical Complete. Sorge, A. (2008). In Honor of Fadime: Shame and Murder. Anthropologica, 50(2), 435-437. Retrieved from Ethnic News Watch

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