Hong Kong Species: East Asian porcupine and Red Muntjac

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Existing challenge;
Among the local medium and large mammals, East Asian porcupine and Red Muntjac are the most abundant and widely distributed species in Hong Kong. They were recorded in over 50%of surveyed areas in 2002-06 by camera trapping (Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department). However, for one of their habitat, Tai Lam Country Park, which is located in Western of New Territories, the second largest country park in Hong Kong. In the past decade, the park has suffered from frequent hill fires and soil erosion. As using forestation to be a remedial measurement, some lush fire-resistant vegetation can see like Taiwan Acacia, Brisbane Box for instance (Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department).
In fact, usually the emergence of the hill fire are in the moderate slope and steep slope side, there are rugged terrain, partial exposed rock. Due to the long-term exposure to the sunlight, there are less moisture, also, affected by dry northwest monsoons in each year, therefore, the soil surface is weak and has low amount of nutrient accumulations (Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department).As restricted by the geographical environmental factor, the tree growth speed of slow than other planting forest.
As a result, large areas of burnt and the slow vegetation growth has wildlife such as Red Muntjac this kind of protected animals losing place for habitat and foraging. For example, as an herbivore, this mammal munches on leaves, twigs and various fruits. Also, excepting breeding season, this animal is solitary and territorial which likes to hide in dense shrubs and thick tree cover to avoid Domestic dogs, Burmese Pythons and Humans, uses its secretions from beneath its eyes to marks its territory (SPCA). H...

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...odder to manufacture cloths, or make profit from manufacturing products, which they can seize from the Park area either by hold captive or by shooting. Red Muntjac may be found in scrublands or in forest on a foggy evening. Collecting fodder may be one of the reasons of low regeneration in country park area.

3.illegal hunting and poaching
Hunting and poaching was assessed as a serious threat to Barking deer. As red Muntjac is a delicate venison, many villagers in Hong Kong including some mainlander are in favored to it, also, antler and meat from Red Muntjac has a very high medicinal value, due to this reason, in order to earn income, many of male Red Muntjac has been illegally hunted, therefore it may causes the population of barking deer has declining critically. Also like collecting skull of male, preserved skin and capture or hunt Red Muntjac freshly for food.

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