Homosexuality: Same Sex Intercourse

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Homosexuality is defined as sexual activity with another of the same sex. In our culture and world today, around 1 in 6 are homosexual. People always fear, what they don’t understand. This is predominantly the case when it comes to homosexuality; at first it was a taboo, judged upon by many of the population. Time and again the matter of rights for homosexuals has been raised all across the world, even today collective acceptance of gay men and women is not easy to come by. They have found it severely arduous to fit in whether it is in the workplace or a teenager at school, that is the reason why some find it necessary to cover their sexuality. There are around 9 million gay, lesbian or bisexuals in the Unites States alone. The effect of covering one’s sexuality has consequences to all diverse types of people: young, mid age and elders. In todays society being a homosexual is abnormal, people look down upon them and class them as unnatural and not quite the same. This therefore leads them into becoming alarmed and fearful of revealing their true identities and resort to covering in order to prevent further degradation. Homosexuals consequently find it necessary to down play their outsider identities in order to blend. This then leads to a wide range of effects on both the individual covering and to the society the person is trying to cover from. For example, in a bank one might find it easier to hide their sexuality in order to avoid humiliation. Especially in investment banks and banks from the upper echelon, although there are no facts or figures to fully support this, generally men working in a bank tend to be straight white males. This is the untold truth and occurs not only in banks but also in many other occupations. Ho... ... middle of paper ... ... it was so hard coming out before due to peer pressure and society, but felt relieved when they let their secret out. One of the most famous people to come out is Ellen DeGeneres who is a popular comedian and host who came out about her sexuality in 1997, she surprised the world and influenced many to step in her footsteps and come out. Today’s society faces a lot of challenges in tackling, adhering to and familiarizing to variations in cultural and social models. What people refer to as normal human behaviour in one society can normally be seen as taboo in another. “Greater than one in five gay men and nearly one in ten lesbians have been punched, hit, or kicked; a quarter of all gays have had objects thrown at them; a third have been chased; a third have been sexually harassed, and 14 percent have been spit on, all just for being perceived to be gay" (Satris 168).

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