The Importance Of Homeostasis In The Body

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The term homeostasis was coined by walter cannon in 1932 derived from two greek words, homeo (meaning similar to) and stasis (meaning balance). Homeostasis is the ability of different parts of the body working in harmony to maintain a stable environment. However not only do they have to maintain the environment they also have to adapt and evolve to changes within their environment in order to survive.
What sort of things can affect homeostasis in the body?
Various things can affect the bodies suitability to sustain life, such as the bodies temperature, the PH level of the blood, carbon dioxide concentrations as well as the concentrations of waste products and nutrients. These things can impact the system’s ability to keep the body alive and as such the body has …show more content…

Why do we need a balanced level of glucose?
The reason why it is important to maintain a balanced level of glucose is because glucose is required by the bodies cells for reparation. To maintain that ideal level two hormones are produced in the pancreas to help with the maintain of that level.
Insulin, this comes from B-cells in the pancreas and is triggered by the rise of the bodies blood glucose level after eating. Insulin then acts as a signal that in turn triggers other cells in the body e.g. muscle and fat cells to take up the glucose so it can be used as fuel, insulin also cause glucose to be converted into another molecule known as glycogen, glycogen is a storage molecule and is produced and stored in the liver, both of these processes produce the bloods sugar level to its ideal, glucagon is the second hormone that is produced in the pancreas and is released when the blood sugar levels fall, it does this by causing the glycogen that has been stored in the liver to be turned back into glucose which again in turn causes the blood sugar levels to rise to their

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