The History of Urban Planning

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Evidence of urban planning exists since antiquity. In ancient Greece the first settlements grew to be cities were following no particular urban plans mainly with the exception of their acropolises. However excess population growth in these city states lead to the colonization wave of the mediterranean during what is known as classical antiquity. The colonies were founded by their metropolises after carefully selecting their locations, providing access to natural resources (minerals, fertile lands, water) and trading routes. These cities were planned usually following the Hippodamian plan of city layouts. The Hippodamian plan was first introduced by Hipodamus of Miletus who rationalized the functions of the city, its underlying street network and the land uses. He proposed a city of three centres, a political, a commercial and a religious, each one of them providing with specialized functions to the city’s population. Not all plans lead to the successful growth of cities. Famous is the case of Megalopolis in southwestern Peloponnese, which had been planned to become a mega city of its time, as it can be inferred by its name. Although a functioning street network laid the foundations for urban development and monumental public buildings were built, like the biggest known ancient theatre, the city failed to attract dwellers and ended its lifespan never to become something more than an insignificant town of the periphery. In Roman antiquity city plans incorporated systematically the provision of clean water thus leading to the creation of the Roman aqueducts that can be seen standing all over Europe even today. During dark ages in most of western Europe city planning reduced to plans regarding the fortifications of the cities, includi...

... middle of paper ... focusing only in the aesthetics of a city. His book helped the Progressive movement to take shape. Progressives argued that planning should deal with all major problems of the American cities and proposed a system of zoning. In the beginning the zoning was focusing on building sizes however a more modern approach deals with land use, population and housing densities, parks thus leading in to more complex zoning systems. (Fleissig & Jacobsen, 2002). In modern era, the zoning played a crucial role in the flourishing of the urban planner profession. Zonings in a lot of countries need to be justified by a rational plan and the outcome of the plan can be justified in court if necessary. Thus trained planners with experience are needed to carry on the task. The major zoning classes are the industrial, residential and commercial, but those classes can be refined further.

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