History of Nanking Massacre

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Despite having the horrific Nanking Massacre occur 70 years ago, its history is barely buried like many of the dead were at the time. The Nanking Massacre (also known as the Rape of Nanking) occurred as a part of the 2nd Sino-Japanese War, which would then become part of World War II. This war involved the Republic of China defending against the invading Japanese forces. Unfortunately, China was weakened due to a civil war between the Communists and the Nationalists, so it was easily invaded. The Nanking Massacre shows the negative elements of Human Nature and should be taught in schools because it portrays the brutality of the Japanese in Asia.
The Rape of Nanking started on December 13, 1937. This was the day the Japanese invaded Nanking (now Nanjing), which was then the capital of Nationalist China (Cook). The Japanese Army faced little resistance as the Chinese Nationalist leader, Chiang Kai-shek, evacuated his troops before the invaders advanced. After seven weeks of Japanese atrocities, the killings ended in early 1938 (The Rape of Nanking). Japanese soldiers finally left Nanking in early February when they needed to continue the attack on China.
The tragic event occurred because Japanese soldiers were taught that the Chinese people were inferior and a lesser people. The soldiers had learned this from the bushido code. Originally, the bushido code was for Japan’s samurai class to guide them to chivalry and honor. The code was modified so that it, “emphasized fanatical devotion to the state, aggression, lack of concern for self, disdain for Japan’s enemies, and the glory inherent in fighting and dying for the Japanese emperor” (The Rape of Nanking). This new modification discarded the codes of chivalry and compassion. Th...

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...e than 300,000. Yet, reducing or increasing the number of killed does not justify the Japanese or righteousness of the Chinese (Yew). This current conflict has prevented China from becoming close with Japan like the way the U.S has after the atomic bomb. Without any remission, the Nanking Massacre will never truly be over.

Works Cited

Hann-Shuin, Yew. "The Rape Of Nanking: A Quest For Peace." Chinese American Forum 22.3 (2007): 3. MasterFILE Premier. Web. 2 Apr. 2014.
"The Rape of Nanking." Gale Encyclopedia of U.S. History: War. Detroit: Gale, 2009. Student Resources in Context. Web. 2 Apr. 2014.
Carroll, Andrew. "An American Missionary Describes 'Beastly' Atrocities In Nanking." World War II 27.2 (2012): 25-27. History Reference Center. Web. 2 Apr. 2014.
Cook, Theodore F. , Jr. "Nanking Massacre." World Book Advanced. World Book, 2014. Web. 3 Apr. 2014.

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