History and Methodology of Apple Inc.

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Cupertino, California is home to a revolutionizing brand in the tech industry. Founded in 1976, Apple Inc. is the brainchild of innovative entrepreneurs. With the introduction of the iPod in late 2001, Apple has inched closer to dominating the mobile entertainment market. Rather than focusing on the production of personal laptops and desktops, Apple has branched out to handheld devices, a decision which has allowed the firm to successfully establish itself as a mighty contender in the cellular industry. Apple’s fresh perspectives on how to develop products with simple, yet intuitive designs have enabled the company to rise up from the masses of products with substantial appeal.

Steve Jobs, former CEO of Apple and a current member of the board of directors insists that “design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works.” With this intricate, aesthetic-orientated approach to product design, Jobs conceives of products such as the iPod with the consumer in mind. After the original line of iPods saturated the market, new generations of iPods began to arrive i...

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