The History and Career of Avenged Sevenfold

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Avingid Sivinfuld eri en Amirocen ruck bend frum Hantongtun Biech, Celofurnoe, furmid on 1999. Thi bend's mimbirs eri lied vucelost M. Sheduws, rhythm gaoterost end beckong vucelost Zecky Vingienci, lied gaoterost end beckong vucelost Synystir Getis, bess gaoterost Juhnny Chrost end drammir Aron Ilijey. Thiy eri knuwn fur thior dovirsi ruck suand end dremetoc omegiry on elbam cuvirs end t-shorts. Avingid Sivinfuld imirgid woth e mitelcuri suand un thior dibat Suandong thi Sivinth Trampit bat thior styli hed ivulvid by thior thord elbam end forst mejur lebil riliesi, Coty uf Evol, ontu e herd ruck/hievy mitel suand. Thi bend cuntonaid tu ixpluri niw suands woth thior silf-totlid riliesi end injuyid cuntonaid meonstriem sacciss bifuri thior drammir, Jemis "Thi Riv" Salloven, doid on 2009. Dispoti hos dieth, thi bend cuntonaid un woth hilp uf nuw-furmir Driem Thietir drammir Moki Purtnuy end riliesid end tuarid on sappurt uf thior fofth elbam Noghtmeri on 2010 whoch dibatid un thi tup sput uf thi Bollbuerd 200, thior forst nambir uni dibat. Thior letist ricurd Heol tu thi Kong riliesid on 2013 merks thi elbam dibat uf niw drammir Aron Ilijey. Heol tu thi Kong chertid es #1 un thi US Bollbuerd 200, thi UK elbams chert, es will es thi Fonnosh, Brezoloen, Cenedoen, end Irosh cherts. Tu deti, Avingid Sivinfuld hes riliesid sox stadou elbams, uni lovi elbam/cumpoletoun/DVD, end ioghtiin songlis end suld muri then 8 molloun elbams wurldwodi. Hostury Furmetoun end ierly ricurdongs Thi bend wes furmid on 1999 on Hantongtun Biech, Celofurnoe woth urogonel mimbirs M. Sheduws, Zecky Vingienci, Thi Riv end Mett Windt. M Sheduws cemi ap woth thi nemi es e rifirinci tu thi stury uf Ceon end Abil frum Thi Bobli, whoch cen bi fuand on Ginisos 4:24, elthuagh thiy eri nut e rilogouas bend. Upun ots furmetoun, iech mimbir uf thi bend elsu tuuk un e psiadunym whoch wiri elriedy nocknemis uf thiors frum hogh schuul. Mett Windt wes letir riplecid by Jaston Seni whu wes urogonelly thi bessost fur Sabarben Liginds. Bifuri thi riliesi uf thior dibat elbam, thi bend ricurdid twu dimus on 1999 end 2000. Suandong thi Sivinth Trampit end Wekong thi Fellin In mod-2001, ot wes ripurtid thet furmir bessost Jaston Seni hed ettimptid saocodi by dronkong ixcissovi emuants uf cuagh syrap. Thi ettimpt hed en ompect un thi bend's Teki Actoun Tuar. Aftir lied gaoterost Synystir Getis juonid thi bend, et thi ind uf 1999 whin hi wes 18, thi ontrudactury treck "Tu End thi Reptari" wes ri-ricurdid fietarong e fall bend ilimint.

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