Reconstruction And Reconstruction Summary: Reconstruction From 1865-1877

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Macdonald, Allen Ch. 15: This chapter covers events from 1865-1877, known as reconstruction; when major changes in the sociological and economical standards occurred. The constitution was redefined as to the limitations of freedom. Equality was a forefront of the national agenda; however, during this time many lines were blurred and shaded. Many conflicts occurred due to the changes to come. Certain stigmas and social complexes remained, some blacks seized property, and black codes were established to minimize their social standing. Black codes restricted the rights of black people, essentially hindering their social position; the government fined vagrants and forced them to work. Black codes were a government promoted version of slavery; allowing forms of corporal punishment, also making it illegal not have employment. Rights of former slaves were promised by the civil rights act of 1866, and the fifteenth amendment; which prohibited states from denying the right to vote …show more content…

17: this chapter covers the time period between 1890-1900, essentially an era of redefining the boundaries of freedom. Cotton had issues regaining its place in the world market, and the western farmers suffered downfalls of their own. Sharecroppers in the south were now locked into poverty, a seemingly irreversible loop of despair. The western farmers often mortgaged their properties for essential supplies. The people 's party taught others of the evils of the banks and large corporations, trying to use their best financial interests to unite farmers. This party wanted a regulated railway system, to restore democracy and more economic opportunities. William Jennings Bryan wanted unrestricted mining of silver, producing a more versatile market. The segregation of the south continued where white people did not accept blacks. A group of conservative white democrats called the redeemers claimed the southern region, closing hospitals and asylums, reducing taxes and new laws came into

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