Hills Like White Elephants, by Ernest Hemingway

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In Ernest Hemingway’s Hills like White Elephants we follow a couple’s conversation as they wait for a train. The majority of their dialogues evolve around abortion. He perfunctorily tries to convince her to abort the child while she reluctantly tries to please him. As the story goes along the female protagonist continually consumes alcohol, although she is presumed pregnant. I claim that her volition to keep this baby strongly can be argued, since it is common knowledge alcohol can harm an unborn child. We will try to find the source to why she is so ignominious to her actions. First and foremost, the girl is the one who initiates the drinking, “let´s drink beer”(106), suggesting a carefree attitude. Her male companion quickly responds to her request. Barley a moment after the beer has arrived, the girl finds a new drink, Anis del Toro. “Could we try it?” (106) Why could she not? Her actions are a footloose woman´s, there is no second thought to whether she should, or should not intake alcohol. At one point she gets upset and he offers her another drink, “all right” (107) is her quick response. The American also consumes alcohol, but his actions are of no significance. However, he never objects to whether her behavior is appropriate or not, which suggests that the child´s health is of no interest to him. Consequently we see that her treatment of the child is vindictive.

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