Persuasive Essay On High School Dropout

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The wise Malcom X once said, “A man who stands for nothing will fall for anything.” The number of high school drop outs is highly increasing due to the diverse obstacles students come cross every day. Many people believe that school is not made for everyone, yet this statement is false. In fact, school is made for everyone since there are numerous programs and institutions around the world to help young adults strive for their dreams. The number of high school drop outs needs to start decreasing since young adults will receive a high paying job if they would receive a degree at a university, will not end up in jail, and be able to start a family with little to no struggles. Heading to a university is terrifying, yet earning any type of degree will lead students to success. According to the National Dropout Prevention CenterNetwork, 24% of high school drop outs end up homeless due to not attending college. It is proven that young adults are well off with a Bachelor’s degree compared to a high school diploma; a degree will give young adults the opportunity to have a stable financial background (15). Since all occupations …show more content…

Danielle Douglas-Gabriel stated on The Washington Post, that 86% of families that are planned out struggle less compared to those who have unprotected sex. It is identified that young adults who have working parents or parent are more than likely not to repeat history in getting a female pregnant or becoming pregnant. The rate of teenage pregnancies is extremely high and still increasing. In the year of 2013, estimates of 270,000 babies were born by 15-19 year old women (15). This number needs to start decreasing since it is a major component that causes high school drop outs (22). Beginning a new family is a wonderful thing that everyone should experience, yet people have to be smart on how and when it is

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