School Drop Out Of High School Essay

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Every year people are flunking out of high school and college. But what causes a person to do that, they either miss too many days, couldn’t make the grades, or just didn’t want to go anymore. School sometimes just isn’t for some people, some people out there prefer just to work and earn there own money rather than spending a lot of school. There are some that can’t afford school so they are forced to drop out. That is just a few reasons, these examples will be told with some more detail.
I personally feel that it is not completely the student’s fault to why they drop or flunk out. Parents and teachers are to blame for the drop out rate. They don’t hold teens to high standards, and sometimes give up on teens too early. I say parents are to blame because parents are the biggest influence on a kids life and if parents were troubled kids when they were young then they are most likely to have troubled kids, Especially in our economy, kids are into drugs and other criminal activities. Parents don 't convince their children enough to let them know that drugs are um acceptable. Parents don 't punish their kids enough for grades, so kids are school are reluctant to homework and to go to school. There are also parents who just let their kids have freedom and do not show care for their kids ' education or life. But there is …show more content…

In middle school, a student is faced with many social changes that affect success in school. The change from elementary school, where kids are mainly in one class with the same kids and teacher, to middle school, where students are rotating classes, teachers, and other students is a hard switch for some students. The relationship with their teachers isn’t as strong, due to the fact that they have multiple subjects. This makes it hard for students to get the attention they need. So that is why success in middle school is a strong indicator for success in high

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