Stress Among Adolescents

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This research study will discuss the causes and symptoms of stress among adolescents. There is positive stress and negative stress that can result an adolescent not wanting to be with peers, family, and friends. The adolescent that is experiencing these chronic factor will need to find help to alleviate the negative symptoms and find some positive ways that will remove whatever situation he or she experienced in life while growing up as a child. I will discuss and compare three literature reviews of the findings on stress and what methods were found to be a positive factor to remedy the situation the adolescent is experiencing. “Some amount of stress is healthy, but excessive stress, left untreated, can lead to anxiety and illness” (University of Maryland Medical Center [UMMC]. I believe stress is expected to be a part of one’s life. I am sure that before the child is born in the mothers’ womb he or she is already experiencing stress. Some stress is common and essential for existence. Stress aids children in developing dexterities that is essential to manage and adjust to fresh and possibly intimidating circumstances thru life. Reinforcement from parents, families, and especially caretakers is required for teenagers to acquire in what way to retort to stress in a physical and sensitive approach. The positive aspect of stress disappears when it is strong enough to overcome the adolescent’s capacity to handle successfully. Rigorous and constant stress can have an impact to different briefs and lengthy duration on undesirable health outcomes. It can interrupt the individual intellectual growth and have problems with the nerves and the immune systems. In addition, stress can run into health related difficulties that includes chronic ...

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Schraml K, Perski, A, Grossi, G, Sarnecki-Simonsson, M, (2011). Jorunal of Adolescence: Stress symptoms among adolescents: The role of subjective psychosocial conditions, lifestyles, and self-esteem. Retrieved November 20, 2013, from Unni K. Moksnes, Inger E.O. Moljord, Geir A. Espnes, Don G. Byrne, (2010). The association between stress and emotional states in adolescents: The role of gender and self-esteem, Personality and Individual Differences, Volume 49, Issue 5, October 2010, Pages 430-435, ISSN 0191-8869. Retrieved on November 20, 2013, from
University of Mayland Medical Center. (n.d) retrieved on November 21, 2013, from

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