Heroism In Beowulf

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The word “Heroism” is defined as being brave, great, and courageous. In the quote from James E. Faust, he states that “In the pain, the agony, and the heroic endeavors of life, we pass through a refiner 's fire, and the unimportant in our lives can melt away like dross and make our faith bright, intact, and strong.” One of the greatest heroes of the European Medieval Ages was Beowulf. Beowulf was a strong, great, and a good warrior. He fought to destroy evil, and restore good. I try being like Beowulf in my life, because I love his goodness and what he stands for. Nowadays, there are so many of us that strive and struggle to become the best and greatest in our life. But we wonder, how do we achieve this heroism? Do we have to do something great and powerful like Beowulf? One of my favorite heroes of the Medieval Ages is Beowulf. He was a hero because he did many good, great, and even epic things in this lifetime. One of the greatest things he did in his lifetime was when he traveled from the land of Geats to Denmark to help King Hrothgar with the evil enemy. At that time, King Hrothgar was distressed …show more content…

She also comes in the middle of the night and attacked the mead hall as well. When she arrived at the mead hall, she murders one of the most trusted advisers of the King, whose name was Aeschere. The commotion wakes everybody up, and she flees back to her dark and gloomy swamp. Beowulf knew the only way to stop the attacks at the mead hall was to kill the other monster, Grendal 's mother. So he then goes to her lodging, which is at the bottom of a pond, and defeats and kills her in the battle. By now, the Danes are overjoyed at Beowulf 's success and accomplishments, and his fame spreads all over the kingdom. After Beowulf kills both Grendel and his mother, he is awarded many gifts for his

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