The Road Of Journey In The Journey Of A Hero's Journey

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After the departure of the hero 's journey, the initiation or road of trials occurs. This is when the hero transitions from an ordinary person to a heroic stature. The first part of the initiation is the brother battle. This battle occurs when the hero fights with a person who is close to them or an actual brother. One example of a brother battle in the book is when Janie asked Logan what he would do if she were to run away with someone, aka Joe. Another example is when Janie fought with Joe before he died. The feelings that she had contained throughout their marriage ended up being exposed in this fight and in turn helped represent this battle as a stepping stone in her journey to becoming an independent person. In addition to the brother battle, the hero experiences a dragon battle. One example of this battle is when Janie …show more content…

Janie refuses to return to the muck, but accepts the return to Eatonville. The next step in the return is the magic flight when there is a battle or event that occurs that is preventing the hero from returning. In Janie 's journey she experiences this when she is put on trial. In the rescue from without, when the hero seems to have lost it all, a talisman or companion comes in to help the hero and therefore rescues her from hopelessness. During the trial, the sheriff and doctor testify her and in turn help her show her innocence. Her inner strength also served as a talisman to help her return by helping her get through the trial and reassuring herself that she did what she had to do. The next step is crossing the return threshold. Just like crossing the first threshold, the hero needs to cross a barrier to return to the old world from the new world. She returns when she goes back to the muck in order to smooth over her relations with Tea Cake 's friends and she returns when she goes back to

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