Analysis Of The Hero's Journey

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The Hero’s journey is a structure which all stories are created from and with which the structure provides the core for creating amazing stories. The Hero’s journey consists of twelve steps the Ordinary World, The Call to Adventure, Refusal of the Call, Meeting the Mentor, Crossing the Threshold, Tests/Allies/Enemies, Approach to The Inmost Cave, Ordeal, Reward (Seizing The Sword), The Road Back, Resurrection, and Return with The Elixir. All of the stories and plays we have heard go along with the outline from the Hero’s journey the order may sometimes change but at the very least it is a common structure used by most writers. When looking at the story The Mercy Seat through the lens of Ben Harcourt we can examine each of the steps in depth. …show more content…

This is the stage in the Hero 's journey represents a reverse echo of the Call to Adventure in which the Hero had to cross the first threshold. I believe that Ben reaches the Road Back and once we is faced with the decision of what to do once he leaves Abby’s apartment. He is faced with two choices, one being that he disappears and leaves New York, never tells his daughters or wife that he survived the terrorist attack leaving them to think he is dead, and create a new identity and life away from Bens ordinary world. The second choice being that he ends up going home to his family and creates a story of why he wasn’t at work when the planes hit, lies about why he didn’t answer his phone, and hope that he would not lose his job due to Abby firing him for “personal” …show more content…

This is where I believe Ben walks in the door to his house. He has his family run to him and greeted him at the door they all have tears of happiness running down their faces. The dreaded conversation of why Ben was where he was doesn’t even come up because his family is just so happy to have him home safe. When Ben sees the look on both of his two beautiful daughters’ faces he finds himself knowing he had made the right choice by coming home and not running away and changing his

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