Character Analysis Of Henchard In The Mayor Of Casterbridge

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Written in 1886, The Mayor of Casterbridge follows the life of a problematic man named Michael Henchard. Throughout the novel, ample characteristics of Henchard’s reveal that he is an antihero. Because of this, Henchard is faced with many problems that eventually ruin his reputation. However, Henchard is at the root of a majority of his own problems. By being tempered, jealous, and selfish, Michael Henchard earns the title of anti hero. As a young hay-trusser, Henchard drunkenly sells his wife, Susan, and his daughter, Elizabeth Jane, to a sailor named Newson. Henchard regrets his action and looks for his family until he gives up and becomes the mayor of a town called Casterbridge. Elizabeth dies at a young age and Susan and Newson have …show more content…

Newson, Elizabeth’s real father, visits Henchard’s home and asks to see Elizabeth. Although she is sleeping on his couch, Henchard misinforms Newson that Elizabeth died years previously. He does this because he finally appreciates Elizabeth and realizes everything that she does for him. Henchard feels that if Elizabeth was to reunite with Newson, she would forget about him, which he almost expresses by saying, “‘Promise not to quite forget me when⸻’ He meant when Newson should come.” (Hardy 313). Despite knowing it would make Elizabeth ecstatic, Henchard refuses to let her reconnect with Newson for his own selfish reasons. Eventually, Elizabeth discovers the truth and becomes furious with him so much that Henchard feels that he has to leave Casterbridge. In the long run, The Mayor of Casterbridge tells the story of a true anti hero whose destruction is at the fault of no one but his own. Because of his impulsive behaviors, Michael Henchard causes harm to ample people, including Susan and Elizabeth Jane. His temper, jealousy, and selfishness are characteristics that prevent Henchard from prospering; they hold him back by providing difficult situations. If Michael Henchard would have known that he would be the cause of his downfall, perhaps he would have changed his

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