Health Information Exchange

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An HIE (health information exchange) allows medical professionals at multiple levels access and share medical information electronically, and within the confines of HIPAA privacy laws. HIE is meant to improve efficiency, speed, quality, and cost of patient care. It is thought by some in the industry that HIE is not able to address recurring challenges associated with rapid technological advancements. The initiative for HIE is being driven by meaningful use requirements, coordination needs for new payment approaches, and federal financial incentives. While HIE has been more than twenty years in the making, it has only recently gained the majority of its support. This is because, until the recent years, HIE success has been marginal when compared to its failures and shortcomings. HIE generally started in 1990 when the Hartford Foundation began its CHMIS initiative. The was the "Community Health Management Information System" that got its start from grants to several states and cities. CHMIS provided a point of reference for data to be collected and maintained. This data provided information on demographics, clinical data, and information divided geographically. CHMIS targeted data for the stakeholders who were the primary consumers and benefactors of the data assessments. Another function of CHMIS was to facilitate billing and determine patient eligibility for cost reductions, making CHMIS a transaction system. (J Am Med Inform Assoc, 2010 ) CHMIS was a new concept, and faced many challenges that ultimately failed as a whole, but provided many learning lesson opportunities. The system was quite unaffordable, it lacked sufficient technological support, and the premise of the system caused security concerns. Lessons learned, and... ... middle of paper ... ...ficiency and effectiveness of care • Provides caregivers with clinical decision support tools • Reduces and possibly eliminates redundant / unnecessary testing • Improved reporting and monitoring of public health and related statistics • Provides a basic level of interoperability among electronic health records (EHRs) maintained by individual physicians and organizations • Hopefully will eventually reduce health related costs (, 2013) While the thought is good and outcomes still in prediction phase, the current reality is that there is still a hefty financial impact to be worked out. There will always be a safety and privacy concerns and long as new and emerging technologies continue to need integrations, and HIE will only work with long term political support and financial backing not driven by individual gain, but rather by collective collaborations.

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