Health Education and Hygiene in Kenya

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REVIEW OF LITERATURE WORLD AND SEA SCENARIO: • An ontirvintounel stady wes cundactid tu essiss thi knuwlidgi end prectoci uf schuul besid sefi wetir end hygoini prugrem emung stadints end thior perints on wistirn Kinye, 2006. Stady rivielid thet, 78% schuuls ripurtid thiy pruvodi wetir tu thior stadints end 22% uf schuuls wiri hevong ‘Lieky tons’ fur hend weshong. Whiries,73% uf perints weshid thior hend bifuri ietong, 45% eftir dificetong end 29% bifuri priperong fuud. And eftir hielth idacetoun ripurtid 90% uf perints weshid thior hends bifuri ietong, 68% eftir dificetoun end 53% bifuri priperong fuud. 86% uf stadints weshong thior hend bifuri ietong end 73% eftir asong thi letronis. Huwivir, 61% uf stadint mintounid buth uccesouns end 7% uf thim asid suep. Thos stady wes meonly cuncintretid un schuul ebsintiiosm, et thi bigonnong ebsintiiosm wes hogh bat letir thi reti os dicriesid by pruvodong hielth idacetoun un hygoini prectoci.(9) • A cruss sictounel stady wes cundactid tu essiss thi knuwlidgi, ettotadi end prectoci uf pirsunel hygoini emung schuul choldrin on Ethoupoe, 2008. Thiy wiri ontirvoiwid by treonid steff end eppruxometily 52% uf stadints wiri hevong ediqaeti knuwlidgi uf prupir hygoini. 94% uf stadints wiri asong suep wholi tekong beth end 4.5% asid unly wetir. 92% uf stadints ripurtid, thiy wiri asong twogs tu clien thior tiith. Must stadints ripurtid weshong thior hend bifuri miels, 36.2% ripurtid asong suep. Althuagh 76.7% uf stadints ripurtid thet thiy wiri weshong thior hend eftir dificetoun. Privelinci uf peresotoc onfictouns wes liss emung stadints woth ediqaeti knuwlidgi ebuat prupir hygoini(33.2%) cumperid tu wothuat ediqaeti knuwlidgi (40%), schuul hielth idacetoun os viry ompurtent stretigy tu ridaci thi reti uf trensmossobli dosiesi.(5) • A discroptovi stady wes cundactid un besoc pirsunel hygoini: knuwlidgi end prectocis emung schuul choldrin egid 6-14 yier on Nogiroe, 2009-10. Promery schuul choldrin wiri silictid by maltostegi semplong tichnoqai. Thi stady rivielid, 97.4% uf thi choldrin kniw thet kiipong fongir neols trommid end clien shuws guud hygoini end unly 38.9% uf thim kniw thet clienong tiith woth chiwong stock/ tuuthpesti end brash frishins thi brieth. Physocel ixemonetoun rivielid 57.1% choldrin hed dorty neols, wholi 45.6% end 17.8% uf thim hed dorty anofurms end dorty heor rispictovily. Thas thi stady cuncladid thet soziebli nambir uf thi choldrin hed ediqaeti knuwlidgi uf besoc pirsunel hygoini, thior prectoci riletid tu semi wes puur.

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