Essay On Health Care System

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Understanding Stakeholders This countries health care system was built by stakeholders, every part of it. The health care system was built to support the health of the citizens. Even more, the health care system was created to help those individuals who needed an extra hand with medical attention during and after the Great Depression. With that idea in mind, the health care system created by political players and supporters, or stakeholders, was intended to promote goodwill or assistance towards all those involved. These stakeholders came from different forms, doctors, patients, hospitals, nurses, and insurance companies. On the other hand, it was that same idea, the idea or scheme of receiving funds from the government that took the goodwill out of the system. This is when many stakeholders started using the health care system in a selfish manner. These self-centered acts, by many shareholders brought many challenges to the health care system, patients and citizens are still being confronted by these challenges now. This is why the health care system is one of the biggest topics in the nation. The health care system has brought and created many troubles …show more content…

“Employers are the keepers of the institutions on which most of us rely for health benefits” (Morone & Ehlke, 2013). This idea is true because every decision that health care policies bring to the health care community, will directly affect the business community. One must not forget that many employers pay for some of their employees’ health care coverage. The employee side of this debate involves the employer to offer a wide variety of options for health coverage that can be customized to their specific needs (Duke University Medical Center, 2014). This means the employees demand the employer to offer good, affordable medical coverage. The circle of medical services and employment is one that suffers from the health care

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