Healing By Prayer: What Is It and What Are Its Ramifications?

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Healing by Prayer: What is it and What are it ramifications?
Healing, that is the process of restoring health to an organism, literally to make whole again. This is a process that has been performed for many years, by many different means. Since before time was recorded people have been finding new ways to heal each other. A person gets sick or broken, and they want to be healed. That is the way of human nature. Healing can happen in almost every tissue of the body, and is a vital part of life. So why is it such a huge conflict? Because of the means by which people choose to provide healing. Some may choose to seek medical attention and guidance for every minute problem, others, however see it fit that they only seek medical help when absolutely necessary. This is where the conflict lies. In the choices made about seeking medical attention. This conflict is old, but to be specific, this conflict between people of faith and the scientific community, is centered on prayer, and the use of prayer as a supplement to, or as a replacement for, medical treatment. Should prayer be used as the only means of healing? Should people that keep their children from medical assistance, resulting in the worsening of their condition, be punished? Are parents that do the things mentioned above, in fact, making martyrs for faith out of their children? As research on this topic is done and new facts are found eyes are opened to things such as these, and the conflict is becoming more and more prevalent and urgent. This is something that doesn't seem like it should matter, but it does, it matters a whole lot to a whole bunch of people.
To a believing person prayer is powerful, it is a means of communication between a person of faith and God. Prayer is...

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...Bushwick). With statistics such as these it wouldn't seem that anyone would have any doubt that prayer should be used to supplement health care, however some still choose to deny that it could have a positive effect on health. These nay-sayers of this conflict stick with rebuttals like this to disprove and discredit their counterparts supporting prayer healing,
“Had prayers for the sick any notable effect, it is incredible but that the doctors, who are always on the watch for such things, should have observed it, and added their influence to that of the priests towards obtaining them for every sick man. If they abstain from doing so, it is not because their attention has never been awakened to the possible efficacy of prayer, but, on the contrary, that although they have heard it insisted on from childhood upwards, they are unable to detect its influence. (Galton)”

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