The Haunted Garden

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Haunted?! How ridiculous can people get? I’d just moved into my new home with my sister, Kylie. Just the two of us, that was how it was going to be from now on. A new beginning. It was my first day in my new school today. It wasn’t that bad until my teacher asked me to introduce myself in front of the whole class! I didn’t mind saying stuff about me but after I said where I lived everyone kept staring at me. I didn’t know why and felt quite embarrassed, thinking that there was something wrong with the way I looked. That was until when people did start to talk to me. Well they didn’t exactly say much, most people said your house is haunted or watch out for the creatures. I had no idea what they were talking about! When I told Kylie she just said they were being silly and to ignore them.

The days passed and people still gave me weird looks. In fact I didn’t really care much anymore, I was starting to get used to it. At home I searched everywhere, but I couldn’t find anything strange or spooky. Except for just one thing. It was in the garden, a designer gravestone, right at the back, no one knew who’s it was. I always got shivers whenever I was too close, but didn’t take much notice of it. I just thought that people in school were talking about that, when they said my house was creepy and the only reason I got scared was because I listened to them.

Halloween was coming up, it was all over school. People arranging parties or planning where to go trick or treating. I didn’t feel like going anywhere, mainly because everyone was going with their friends and I didn’t have any. No one wanted to get to know me, they all found me scary.

Finally the day came, it was Halloween at last. I w...

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...t believe it she was gone! She just vanished in less than a second! I ran inside locked the door and went up to my room, gasping for air. It was midnight, I curled into my bed and put my duvet over me praying that I’d be alright, and I was not long after Kylie got home. At first I thought it was her again and kept quiet but after a few minutes Kylie knocked on my door, came into my room and said goodnight to me.

I didn’t tell anyone about that night, not even Kylie. I knew everyone would think I was mad. Even I started to think if it was real or just my imagination, but I couldn’t think that for long as I knew I could never imagine something that good. Anyway no one needed to know; perhaps if I’d seen her again I would tell someone. However, I didn’t, I never saw her for the rest of my life and I never went to the garden by myself ever again either.

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