Harvard Application Essay

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Travelling around the world gives an individual a unique perspective of life, culture and tolerance. In the tenth grade, I had the opportunity to embark on a journey which provided me with a unique perspective and view of humanity. Similar to my other trips to Europe my initial intention was to enjoy two-weeks away from school in continental Europe, however I was flabbergasted when I realized this two-week trip would serve to destroy my idealist view of a pluralistic society. I was destined for Germany, Poland and the Czech Republic to study the Holocaust.

Despite of having learned about the horrors of the Holocaust in my History class, the events were analyzed, and interpreted in manner which did not evoke emotion within an individual. The most distinct part of the trip, which to this very day remains engrained within my memory, was walking through the ruins of the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp. As I walked under the sign reading, “Arbeit macht frei”, the German phrase for, “work makes free,” I felt a slight tremble in my body. Continuing the guided tour, I wa...

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