Analysis Of Happy Endings By Mary Atwood

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Mary Atwood stated in her short story “Happy Endings,” “You’ll have to face it, the endings are the same however you slice it.” This quote reflects from a short story that gives the readers interest with several different scenarios with different plots that leads up to the same ending each time, death. This causes the title “Happy Ending” to become irony within itself because there is really no happy endings, just the same. The beginning even gives the readers the choice of starting with A to get the feel of what really is the true Happy ending. In many cases people choose the scenario A not because it provides a happy ending but because it is the first scenario on the list and it is only right to start with the first one. But as you read all of scenarios you’ll find some to be quite similar within the plots but different at same time. However, the most important factor is how it ends.
The two characters both fall in love and get married, have good jobs, charming houses, two children who turn out well, go on vacations, have hobbies, and retire. Everything that they do is “stimulating and challenging”, this phrase also becomes very repetitive throughout this short story because it gives the reader the knowledge to know that some of the characters do things that aren’t boring but some of their actions do not match up. Although scenario A is all good and the idealistic expectation of a happy life, they eventually die. That 's the end of the story for A. This is considered the happy ending because the life of both John and Mary is smooth sailing but as we move on to the other scenarios you’ll find that the plot gets more interesting and the characters face more conflict which leads us to the next scenario which is

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