Happiness: The Gift Of Happiness

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Happiness is a gift of GOD and everybody has the right to live happily and spread happiness among the sufferings. People think that happiness is a controversial topic to discuss, but for me it is the best theme to explore. Some people believe it is the beginning point of greatness, but others take happiness as an end point. I usually draw my happiness from different things. In general, happiness comes from an emotional and mental state of well-being that can be considered through pleasing and positive emotion such as gratification and joy. It does not allow us that we should seek our happiness by all means. I do not agree that people should be selfish in order to get whatever they want. I am not saying that there are no selfish people in this …show more content…

I would like to quote my mother here. She is the gem of positive attitude and I have never seen such an encouraging person in my life. She always takes things on positive note and teaches us that do not entangle yourself in anger. As per her, anger can only destroy you and your happiness and at the end you will not get anything out of it. She never gets upset from any kind of sadness or problems. She faced so many events in her life full of distortion and negativity, but not once have I seen her in anger or sadness. One day her younger brother got upset with her youngest son; my uncle was totally wrong in his argument and my younger brother was right hence the debate turned into an anger and disrespectful scenario. Both are very close to my mother but she knew that her younger brother (my uncle) was wrong, but she took it positively and started giving advice to her son (my younger brother) that even though his uncle is wrong, he has to take care of him give him respect because he is elder than him. In that way she won the heart of her brother and her son. So, due to her positive attitude, she is happy and spreads happiness to others. She is an iconic figure of happiness for the whole family. So to live happily be positive in your actions, thoughts and thinking happiness will sound to …show more content…

Everybody has the right to be happy at their own expense but still people who want happiness on others expense. I personally think the real right to happiness should not be at others’ expenses, even if it is going to make you give up some of your right to happiness. The objective of our life is to take positive steps towards the happiness. We need to identify and learn those factors that lead to happier life. It is our duty to search the happiness for ourselves, families and for community. We shouldn’t give up a chance at happiness and once we find it, we should embrace it and not let it go, for what is worth, happiness is not one big thing, it is made up of a million little things that we have and that we are yet to have so enjoy life, find positivity and be

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