Hans Christian Andersen Depicted His Need of Love in His Stories

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Hans Christian Andersen was Lonely and desperately wanted to find love. This longing and failure to find someone showed through into his work. In his work cupid is portrayed as deceptive and evil. The Little Mermaid is the most often cited example of Andersen’s loneliness. The protagonist goes through much pain and loneliness for the one she loves, only to have him choose someone over her. In the short story The Sunbeam and the Prisoner, Andersen shows how fleeting love and happiness were in his life. Andersen’s piece The shadow shows his feelings of inadequacy. In The Happy Family a family of snails have nothing but are repeatedly described as happy.
Hans Christian Andersen’s story The Saucy Boy is very telling of his beliefs in love. The story is about cupid. Andersen’s depiction of cupid paints him as an evil being. Deceptive is the best word to describe the portrayal of cupid. He first deceives an old man by pretending to be freezing in a rain storm. After he is let into the old man’s home he shoots him in the heart. After telling all the local children about his encounter with cupid, they try to stay away from him. Cupid sneaks up on children and stabs them in the heart. Andersen goes into detail about how he even stabs good religious girls. This is an example of how evil cupid is. This depiction of an evil god of love shows how Andersen felt about his love life. Throughout his entire life he had crushes on many people but was never able to have a serious relationship.
The Little Mermaid is the most often cited story when demonstrating Hans Christian Andersen’s lonely life. The story is a great metaphor for Andersen’s longing for love. The little mermaid spends her childhood caring for a statue of...

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...in his writing. In The Saucy Boy Andersen creates a lying, conniving, evil version of cupid. This shows what he thought about love. All the pain that the little mermaid goes through is telling of the heartbreak Andersen has felt. Love and hope were fleeting in Andersen’s life. This is illustrated by The prisoner and the Sunbeam. Andersen’s short story The Shadow shows how inadequate Hans Christian Andersen Felt. In his story The Happy Family Andersen seems almost envious of a family of snails that have lost a lot.

Works Cited
Andersen, Hans. The Saucy Boy.
Trans. Paull hca.gilead.org.il
Andersen, Hans. The Little Mermaid.
Trans. Paull hca.gilead.org.il
Andersen, Hans. The Sunbeam and the Prisoner.
Trans. Paull hca.gilead.org.il
Andersen, Hans. The Shadow.
Trans. Paull hca.gilead.org.il
Andersen, Hans. The Happy Family.
Trans. Paull hca.gilead.org.il

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