Reflection On Precious Blood Teaching

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Hand Washing Teaching Project At Precious Blood school they have a very diverse group of students whose ages range from preschool to eighth grade. Having the opportunity to teach these students the importance of hand washing was an experience I will never forget. Each class that I taught brought new challenges and answered our questions differently. One class that really stuck out to me was the fourth grade. According to Erickson stage of development the fourth graders fall into the industry vs. inferiority stage and Piagiet’s Concrete operational. In these stages children begin to see things in a more concrete and logical manner. In this group the children saw the germs as a concrete object. The fourth grade class at Precious Blood fit very well into Erickson’s and Piagiet’s stages of development. Although there were slight differences that I noticed when I helped teach and interact with the students in the class on the whole the students were very similar to the example of development. In this stage children begin to develop a sense of pride in their accomplishments and abilities and as the children returned with clean hands they were prideful in their abilities and accomplishments. According to Erickson children who are encouraged and praised by parents and teachers develop a feeling of capability …show more content…

I loved interacting with the students and teaching about the different ways you can become contaminated with germs and the best ways to remove those germs. One of the most challenging thing about my experience was keeping the children focused. When we spoke to the pre- kindergarteners they were very focused until the end when they wanted to talk about all the different types of “boo- boo’s” they had. Through this opportunity I learned how to redirect children which I believe will be very beneficial when caring for pediatric patients both in clinical and my future nursing

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