Compare And Contrast The Han Dynasty And The Gupta Empire

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Throughout history, and in many nations and empires throughout time, governments are affected by religions of different kinds. Religion has been an integral component of humanity, as a way to search answers to existential questions that they might have as well as possibly giving a reason as to why the things they saw happen occur, mostly in older religions. Religion is used by people in power to govern the citizens of their nations on a basis of that religion, as a way to set the foundations of the rules and regulations that must be followed. The Han Dynasty and the Gupta Empire during the classical ages of China and India, respectively, are examples of how their emperors used religion to exert control and shape their nation. The methods in …show more content…

These similarities and differences are portrayed throughout history though documented history and primary sources. The Han Dynasty and the Gupta Empire had intense social stratification and patriarchy during their reigns, which was similar to each other, but also having contrasting differences. During the Han Dynasty in China, the women were viewed as inferior to the men and had very little rights, since their only role in society was to stay in the household and take care of the children as well as to do the housework. This thus makes the Han Dynasty a very patriarchic society. Social stratification in the Han Dynasty had the scholar-gentry as the highest ranking of all the people, besides the emperor, farmers and peasants a rank lower than the scholar-gentry, and merchants being the lowest ranking in the society. In the Gupta Empire, the women were regarded as inferior to the men and had little rights, which made the Gupta Empire a very patriarchal society. Social stratification in the Gupta Empire had the Brahmin at the top, the …show more content…

Although the Han Dynasty used Confucianism mainly as a practical philosophy and moral code by which they should live, Daoism was also practiced at the same time as a religion as well. Also, later in the Han Dynasty, Buddhism came to flower in China, which came from India. Daoism entails the concept of all things at equilibrium, as well as being one with a basic life force or nature. The Gupta Empire favored the usage of Hinduism, although Buddhism was still practiced at that time by the people. Hinduism is a polytheistic religion that entails the concepts of the caste system, reincarnation, karma, dharma, and the goal of being one with Brahman, which is called moksha. Buddhism is similar in most aspects except in the belief of the necessity of the caste system. The Han Dynasty and the Gupta Empire are similar in their religion in that both brought about the renewal of an old way of life that used to be more prevalent. The Han Dynasty brought back the usage of Confucian principles and the Gupta Empire revived the Hindu religion in India. Concerning the religions themselves, Hinduism and Buddhism are similar to Daoism in the fact the there is an end goal, which is to join together to unite with a universal force. They also are obviously different from each other, contrasting in many different

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