Hamurabi's Code: Similarities And Differences Of The Hammurabi Code

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The Hammurabi Code and Mosaic Law were used to lead their people during two different era. They were similarities and differences, between the two. For example, they were both discovered by their leaders in similar ways, but differed in their approach to justice and morality. Hammurabi Code respects women, but has distinct social class and penalties based on the class you belonged to, while the Mosaic Law had no distinction between people and gave everybody even fairness.
Both the Hammurabi Code and the Mosaic Law were received by their peoples in similar ways. The Hammurabi Code was written by the Babylonian king, Hammurabi. He received these codes through divine intervention. He was given these codes by the sun god, Shamas atop a mountain. Mosaic Law was written by the God of the Hebrews. They received this law when Moses, the leader of the Jewish nation, was led up Mt. Sinai by Yahweh, the God of the Hebrews.
The two laws have some basic similarities such as, an eye for an eye, the punishment of death for adultery, fundamental respect for women, and reality that stealing is wrong. The initial ideas and groundwork for laws are the same, but the outcomes and consequences are immensely different, on what will happen, how will …show more content…

In today 's general public, individuals who carry out a wrongdoing, and are indicted the wrongdoing, are periodically discharged of harsher disciplines because of numerous components, for example, the wrongdoing case not having enough confirmation, or the suspect has a decent legal counselor. In Also, Hammurabi 's Code puts a huge accentuation on family; something that is not almost as vital in the greater part of today 's general public as it was appear it was in the Sumerian

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