Hair Care In China Essay

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HairCare Products stand to capitalize on an open market in China’s beauty and personal care section. With nearly half of its one billion plus population female, HairCare Products can monopolize this market in China if the company offers the Chinese consumer what they really want; natural products. According to Mintel’s report, a global provider of market research, “Eighty-one percent of urban Chinese consumers prefer to purchase all-natural products”. This is an astronomical number that cannot be ignored, if HairCare Products decides to enter the fray of the Chinese beauty and personal care market. Mintel also reports, “Eighty-seven percent of its middle class tend to go for premium rather than standard goods or services”. According to …show more content…

These statistics further show where HairCare Products needs to focus its concentration on. The Chinese are not interested in hair coloring or other cosmetic products. They want a product that can cure their hair and scalp ailments. Another report by provides even more proof that hair shampoo and conditioner are driving the market in China right now. According to their analysis, “Shampoo has the largest share of the hair care market, and conditioner is the second largest”. Finally, Mintel states, “One of the main drivers of consumers when purchasing hair products is performance or effectiveness, through television advertising and marketing, with enhanced functionality and performance being one of the main …show more content…

China has a “strict” policy on how its residents would reproduce. The quotes surrounding strict implies that every law has a loophole and so does this law. According to Hannum’s report, “Fertility controls in China are less stringent for many minority groups than for the Han majority”. Hannum further states, “Only five of thirty-one provinces did not grant a second child, and eleven provinces granted a third child”. It is the understanding of this research that the Han represent the majority, and the minorities receive all the perks. However, Hannum goes on to state, “Minorities remain more likely to be in poverty than the Han”. Hannum other research indicates that the Han are likely to live in the urban areas of China, and the minority are likely to live in rural areas. According to Hannum’s report, “The household incomes in urban areas are roughly two and half to two and seven tenths times those in rural areas”. It is no surprise that these incomes come from the families that live close to the coast. According to Hannum’s report, “Fifty-nine percent lives in the east and central south, with just fourteen and seven percent in the poor regions of the southwest and

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