Argumentative Essay On Gun Control

2007 Words5 Pages

Guns: Putting a Bullet through Critics’ Opinion Donald Sacco, a 64 year old man living in Orlando, Florida, was waiting for a bus early one morning, when suddenly, a 50 year old stranger came out of nowhere and stabbed him repeatedly, trying to steal his bag. Meanwhile, Sacco attempted to use his cane to defend himself and made it clear that he didn’t have any money. Two Good Samaritans, one of which was legally carrying a firearm, saw the scene, and came to Sacco’s aid. One of the men, Jeffery Hopkins, trained his weapon on the attacker to prevent him from running until authorities could arrive, while Joshua Juliano began treating Sacco’s injuries. Thanks to their combined efforts, Sacco was able to make it to the local hospital and receive …show more content…

Any time a tragedy involving a firearm hits the news, each side blames the other. A study of the statistical history of crime shows that, contrary to popular belief that guns have just grown out of control, violent crime involving firearms, including those that resulted in deaths, actually peaked in 1993, and has generally been declining since then. The study was carried out by the Department of Justice and analyzed by Pew Research Center. The results of the study confirm that the rate of homicides involving a firearm has decreased by 49% since 1993. Equally important is the fact that the rate of non-fatal crimes involving a firearm has gone down by 75% since 1993 (Pew). Lack of proper gun control became a more severe problem when the quality of background checks began declining as records were not updated properly and loopholes in the law were found. Background checks, which began in 1993 with the passing of the Brady Bill, are meant to identify potentially dangerous individuals before they can purchase guns that may be abused for the purpose of hurting people. The statistics are sobering and verify that background checks under current laws are no longer effective. An average of 34 Americans are killed by a gun each day, usually a gun that has been obtained illegally. It is imperative that the system is improved in order …show more content…

Second, it should include people who are compelled by a court to take medication for mental illness or to get other mental health care, even if they are not "committed" to in-patient treatment, as the ATF [Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives] currently interprets the law. (Guns and Crime

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