Persuasive Essay On Children Obesity

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Obesity is becoming a huge problem in American today. The number of obese children have increased significantly over the years due to many factors. Many of the factors are due to society and the things that are advertised, but parents play a major role in it also. Could these parent’s acts be a form of domestic violence? Kids are becoming addicted to technology such as television, tablets, and computers. They are constantly on them and are open to seeing almost anything on them including advertisements. These advertisements advertise unhealthy foods and drinks such as candies, cereals, sodas, fast food, etc. The advertisements are persuading children to cry and whine to their parents in order to get the products. These products are usually Parent’s may cause obesity all by themselves even. Many times children eat what their parents eat. Many times children look up to their parents so by eating unhealthy they see that as the only way. Now the reasoning behind so many parents and children eating these unhealthy foods is due to the prices. They are very cheap and easier for low income families to buy, but there are many cheap, healthy, alternative foods. Some parents may also be abusive to their children and that can also lead to obesity. Sometimes children look to ways to ease the pain when they suffer from abuse. Some kids may look to eating as a way to cope with the abuse. By eating too much or even too much unhealthy foods it causes them to become obese. Children become obese and it is hard on their bodies. If it isn’t taken seriously or tended to soon enough it could lead to many physical problems for the child right away or in the future resulting in a life full of physical health problems or even If food companies could make food healthier it would make a world of difference. If the company reduced the sugar content in their product by half it would make a world of difference. It would still contain sugar in it, but would be much healthier for kids when they are eating the product. The second solution of parents taking care of their children would be one of the best solutions. Ultimately parents control what their children eat. If parents limit the amount of unhealthy foods they eat and make their kids eat healthier, it will help with the problem of obesity. Parent’s may also have to just change their eating habits to better their kids. Something else that should be done is parents need to treat their children better. Earlier in the paper it was mentioned that kids tend to find ways of coping with abuse. If parents didn’t abuse their children and took care of them rather than beating them, not paying attention, neglecting them, or doing any other form of abuse, it would better the kid not only on the topic of obesity, but in other aspects also. The final solution of offering classes would help the children and parents to better understand what’s right to eat and what isn’t. Having this solution would help to eliminate obesity or stop it from happening on

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