Grief Counseling

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Grief counseling is a division of social work that involves the interpersonal aspect of the social worker’s role as expert in coping with death. In this paper I will define grief counseling and some ways to cope with loss. Next I will discuss the history and seven stages of grief. There are two main forms of grievers which are intuitive and instrumental. In addition there are four major types of grief which are acute, anticipatory, sudden and complicated. The helping process is explained as well as some disorders related to grief. A current trend for grievers is to seek involvement in programs such as the Canadian Cancer Society, Missing Children of Canada and Victim Services. These organizations provide counseling services and crisis support. Another valuable program called Bereavement Ontario Network links the community to grief counseling programs and services. Overall, grief counseling becomes necessary when a person becomes overwhelmed by the loss so much that a normal coping process is unattainable.

Grief is best described as mental suffering or distress over affliction or loss. Bereavement on the other hand is the “culturally patterned expression of the bereaved person’s thoughts and feelings, [and] is a universal experience” (Kastenbaum 2009). Counseling refers to “professional guidance in resolving personal conflicts and emotional problems” (Kramer 1998). This type of counseling requires a high level of understanding and effort on the part of the social worker. The worker has to meet the needs of clients and help them through the grieving process. This is a long and complicated process as everyone experiences grief differently. Healing is a complex individual journey but the feelings of loss stay with the person for ...

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