The Grey Area

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The Grey Area

Now in the twenty-first century a college degree is required to have a good, steady and reliable career. Years ago people could get a job based upon good standing in their community. Like my great- grandmother use to always say “I use to get a loan based on a handshake and now they want this credit history crap”. Years ago people worked and retired at one job, not anymore. In the year of 2011 a high school diploma or a GED will not get somebody very far unless you aspire to become an entrepreneur (and that even depends on what you do). With the constant rise of a college education students no matter what age will come across one aspect, financial aid. For most college student’s financial aid is a nightmare and there are so many loop holes and grey area’s affiliated with the financial aid process. Even though the government can only give out so much, the grey area is overwhelmed with student loans and the difficulty of being independent.

Governor Rick Perry wants to challenge the legislative to create a $10,000 bachelor degree, not only is that thought unrealistic but with the proposed budget cuts reaching millions per school that could mean a degree is further out of reach for thousands more Texans (Mulvaney). As the saying goes “you get what you pay for” so if a student can achieve a four year $10,000 bachelor degree will it still hold up to the same standard with a bachelor degree from University of Texas or Rice University? Or will a college education not mean the same. According to the Texas Higher Education coordinating board even a degree at the least expensive state university Texas A&M University-Texarkana cost $18,584, which doesn’t include textbooks or room and board (Mulvaney).

Texas tuition rates beg...

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...ts." Financial Aid Faces Tough Tests 6 Sept. 2010. Dallas Morning News. Web. 23 Mar. 2011. .

"FinAid | Loans | Loan Forgiveness." FinAid! Financial Aid, College Scholarships and Student Loans. Web. 29 Mar. 2011. .

Hewitt, Doug, and Robin Hewitt. College Resource Book. Waco, TX: Prufrock, 2010. Print.

Kristof, Kathy. Taming the Tuition Tiger: Getting the Money to Graduate--with 529 Plans, Scholarships, Financial Aid, and More. Princeton, NJ: Bloomberg, 2003. Print.

"Private Student Loan: Pros and Cons, Plus A Few Extra Tips." Need Money for College? This Site Is for You…. Web. 10 Apr. 2011. .

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