Compare And Contrast The Greek And Roman Empires

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People consider the Greek and Roman empires as two of the most successful civilizations in history because of their various accomplishments. For Greece, their political, economic, and militaristic attributes were not only successful by themselves, but they also successfully affected future civilizations significantly. Similarly, in the case of the Roman Empire, there was a lot of success in the military, politics, and in economics. The assumption that the Greek and Roman empires were two of the most successful in history is accurate because of their various economic, political, and militaristic accomplishments during their most successful times. Politically, Greece was made up of various poleis. The individual poleis were independent culturally,
As Alexander spread Greek culture through his military conquests, he and others established economically stable Hellenistic cities. Alexander was able to do this in part because of the economic gains from his conquest of the Persian Empire that were due to the royal treasury, which was full of valuable items. These cities were successful marketplaces and economic centers that participated in manufacturing and trade. Because they were located in various places around and throughout the empire, these cities collectively improved the entire Greek economy dramatically during the Hellenistic era. Through merchants and their newly founded, efficient, and consistent coin system, Greece was able to conduct trade oversea and overland both internally and with other civilizations, including their invaluable trade connection to China through the Silk Road. Other important goods they traded included luxurious items (gold, silver, etc.), raw materials, and food (grains, fish, olive oil, fruit, nuts, vegetables, etc.) Prosperity became more accessible to people as trade succeeded due to its globalization and as material goods became more available for individuals. The Hellenistic era and its commercial cities serve as good examples that show the prosperous and successful economy of Greece, which is a fruitful
In the early days of the republic, the aristocracy, or the patricians, held the most political power followed by commoners known as plebeians. Consuls, who held executive power, were advised by the most important political institution for Rome, the senate. The republic lasted for nearly 450 years. Its longevity testifies to its effectiveness. The republic’s development of a law system was one of its major accomplishments while it was still remaining. Their legal establishments included: the ius civile (civil law), ius gentium (law of the peoples), and the ius naturale (natural love). During the early times of Rome, while it was still a republic, its political system was able to last for a long time and establish important law

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